Friday, June 24, 2005

topic: blank

topic: blank

been busy past few days. hmm... maybe if i stay up, i can crap good for Vis Lit class. haha.

seriously! my artistic skills seems to take a flair and my mind seem to think artsy with the lack of sleep. i'm proud of my work with the Eva thingy. even more with the current one, with a girl. i coloured her, you read me, COLOURED her.

God, i used to suck at drawing actual people. at most, they would appear like mutated X-Men. but now... man, i am recieving praises from my friends. it's a morale-boost, but weird at the same time.

angelus_raptor left bulletshell casings at 22:32

  Thursday, June 23, 2005

so much, yet afraid

so much, yet afraid

it's there, over the fence. all i have to do is chase.

yet, there's something refraining me, an AT Field of mine i wish not to pull down yet.

it's simple, yet complicated.

just over the fence, i tell myself again.

heart palpitate at the notion of crossing over. God, looking at the fence sets my heart ticking.

i can reach, yet i don't want to.

no, i want to, but i am refrained.

by what?

the memories came back. backstabbing bastard.

well, it's a new fence anyway. what should be done, will someone tell? what should be done?

will i ever find?

i want so bad... yet i do not want it so.

uo ytn awi.

angelus_raptor left bulletshell casings at 00:27

  Sunday, June 12, 2005

the ultimate BS to-do-list

the ultimate BS to-do-list

here's an Ultimate BS To-Do-List i have currently:
  • Complete 20 sketches for my DigIm project due the coming Monday.
  • Complete Lecture Slides for Communication Skills Lecture; Change of Command '05, BGSS SJAB; due the coming Wednesday.
  • Complete 5 sketches for my VisLi project due the coming Thursday.
  • Get started on research material for my NetMultiM project due in two weeks.
  • Get started on programming and storyboard for my ProbSlovingNPrograming project (this is due in a long time, but not that long. about 5 more weeks).
  • Get GroupFlag and Campfire Item done and ready for OTC Camp this Friday.
  • Get Barang-barang ready for Camp.
  • Have Quality Sleep and eat properly.
don't worry... as quoted by Aris, i am half Immortal, and pure Certified Evil Bastard*my own insert ^.^* so i can do it...


PS: hey, drop by my forum here to post a message.

angelus_raptor left bulletshell casings at 00:07

  Thursday, June 02, 2005

and i got zapped by my headphone wires

and i got zapped by my headphone wires

i have a really bad habit (which i got from my best friend. hehe) which is to chew on stuff when i'm bored. seriously. back at the times when i still didn't have school, boredom is as common as blue skies on planet earth. so i chew.

on my headphone wires.

i swear i was seriously wondering why i wasn't zapped before. for God's sake, you can see the copper metal peeking out from open chewed-out spots on my wires! of course, i didn't eat the plastic, i merely caused tears on the plastic.

i know, disgusting. but it all boils down to our intrinsic need to touch with our lips (but i end up chewing too XP). ever realised why babies put stuff to their mouths most of the time? lips have the most touch receptors compared to any other body surfaces.

touch is a pretty powerful sense in communication. what you see may be illusion, what you hear may be lies, what you smell may be masked, what you taste may be a concealment, but touch is a very raw thing. you can't hide from touch. it's very intimate and accurate.

so anyway, i chewed on my wire one more time. probably the last, because i recieve a jolt-feel when i bit down X).


angelus_raptor left bulletshell casings at 23:34


not yet twenty

and a few quick sorties

Kel "Kyo Taichou"
Boon's Real Blog
Claire Da Sotong
Mike Senpai
Bedok Green SJAB Blog
Utada Hikaru
Corrinne May

Banner made with image references to
Celestial Star and Aethereality Gallery.
Banner made by lunalise.