Friday, July 28, 2006

Moshi-moshi, Hana-chan desu ka? Watashiwa Farhan desu.

Moshi-moshi, Hana-chan desu ka? Watashiwa Farhan desu.

Okay, so my first international call was a little funny :P

Gave Hannah a ring(a call, dammit!), and I was quite unprepared from what comes next. It's not the accent(by the way, I absolutely love Scottish and German accents XD), it's the way her voice sounded. I think there was a lag in the system or something. Otherwise...

She spoke darn fast!!!

And I almost lost the words she spoke while trying to not freak out. I thought it was insane. Hannah said I was a lunatic. I agree :P

Yeah, anyway, she had to go to karate, so she was preparing and all... then when I gave her the ring, she was running all over her house because she forgot where her phone is XD and she was a little out of breath... so that might account to why she sounded like she made a short run when we chatted. XD

And she had to go. I had to go, but that's to work on this DBSY assignment (grah). And we said goodbyes.


Accent? Nice. XD

But she speaks too darn fast! Lol.

Hannah, slow down. My ears are pretty numbed, and I'm like, old man. You know? XD

Anyways. Gotta go. And to Jonathan - Rrrrrrrrrrraawwwkkkkin!! Seeya ;)

~Sayonara. Making that call, I feel like I was a schoolboy with a crush - a blumbering idiot. But it was great still ^ ^

angelus_raptor left bulletshell casings at 02:27

  Wednesday, July 26, 2006

It happened again. Only stronger.

It happened again. Only stronger.

I only hope what you find is the same thing I've found.

~sayonara. You've placed a mark in my heart which I gladly give my all to you.

angelus_raptor left bulletshell casings at 03:05

  Sunday, July 23, 2006

Refuse to drink like a stubborn child

Refuse to drink like a stubborn child

Ahh, finally alone in the balcony. Something wrong with the wireless connection, so I had to move out to the balcony. Now that's brother's gone, I feel safe to blog again. Haha.

Let's see...

I'm waiting for someone, actually. But she hasn't been online for a while. And in that while my internet connection was being a bitch. So, yeah...

Anyway. I have been waiting. Waiting for the moment I could chat. Let's say it's pretty much a ritualised meeting.

What would you do if someone touched you heart? Despite the anomalies and disturbing whirl of events surrounding you, you find yourself in a keen... want. And you want to meet that person again, but that person is not showing up. I wish to meet, but no... empty cell. I opened, but all there is to it is an empty cell.

Where have you gone to? Did you went to hide?

The birdie chirps to call the day down. I wait to greet you, but I greet the empty cell instead.

Where have you gone to?

There's a glow in my heart I feel, and it yearns for you. I hope to see you soon. With my fingers I trace little cartoons while making speech bubbles where they communicate. They played, they giggled, and they laughed. But the questioned too, because the sensed the longing within.

Parade tomorrow. As much as I wish to wait, I should get going. Haha.

No, I don't think I'm exactly fine. I've been really busy. I'm wishing for the one semester when St Johns shall not get in the way of my studies. See what happens. I'm a bad juggler of things. I rather be a mercenary of service.

But thanks, to all those people whom in your little ways make my road smoother. Offering the little push. Letting me know that the road I've taken is not to waste.

Oh, I'm Idol Crazy. Jonathan Leong!! Haha. Head here if you have the time, Out of all the contestants, he stood out like a beacon admist the darkness. Actually there are quite a number of beacons, but his shone the brightest and caught most of my attention. Mathilda is quite good in the voice. I think Hady is cool. So is Jasmine. Haha. Rahimah is improving.

And Jay's eyes are scary. XD


Above all, my votes goes to Jonathan. He's got a good voice, yet I've to see how much he can stretch his vocal chords. His humility and down-to-earth personality really strikes it. Performance-wise, he knows how to entertain. Being in a band really brings an advantage.

Well, that's all from me this time. A cookie would be nice.


angelus_raptor left bulletshell casings at 00:33


not yet twenty

and a few quick sorties

Kel "Kyo Taichou"
Boon's Real Blog
Claire Da Sotong
Mike Senpai
Bedok Green SJAB Blog
Utada Hikaru
Corrinne May

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